Our Mission

To inspire and equip learners through authentic learning experiences.

To partner with the community to engage learners in authentic learning experiences.

Our Vision

Schools and communities working together to train up our children to be problem-solvers, leaders, and innovators.

A community in which schools, businesses, individuals, learners, and teachers partner together to provide students with authentic learning experiences that inspire, encourage, and equip them with the skills they need to succeed in the work place.

about us

We are a partnership between the RSU 2 School Community and the businesses and individuals in the surrounding areas. Our goal is to work together to inspire learners, foster career aspirations, allow learners to experience meaningful problem solving, and to build the skills they need in the workplace. We accomplish this through developing applied learning challenges together for students to solve, being guest speakers in the classroom, providing internship opportunities, or providing field trip programs.

How can you help?

We are always looking for more community partners!

You could help by

  • Providing an Internship opportunity for a student
  • Being a Guest Speaker in a classroom
  • Hosting a Field Trip for classes
  • Working with a teacher to post a Challenge for students to solve
  • Donating Materials