Whittier Woods Trail Experts

During the 2016-17 school year, second graders at Henry L. Cottrell Elementary School in Monmouth, Maine applied their learning about animals, their habitats, and their adaptations to a local nature trail, Whittier Woods. Collaborating with several partners, teachers Brittany Brady, Winona Prince, and Katie Torrington helped learners become trail experts. The following members of the community played key roles in the project:

  • Herb Whittier, the trail’s namesake
  • Monmouth Conservation Commission
  • Benjamin Nugent, wildlife biologist
  • Kathy McCue, naturalist

Their combined efforts culminated in learners becoming trail guides and offering guided tours of this local hiking path. As students and visitors worked their way along the one-mile trail, the new experts shared their knowledge about the flora and fauna of Whittier Woods, explaining how plants, trees, and various classes of wildlife have adapted to this particular environment. Trail visitors stopped at eight different locations to read student-created informational signs that not only synthesize what the students learned, but also display original, digitally produced artwork. QR codes on the signs provide access to videos featuring student experts, who explain what hikers might see at each location on the trail. These signs remain on the trail and continue to guide path walkers.